Origins and secrets of Valentine’s Day
of Valentine's Day
Every year, lovers celebrate the festival of love. But where does this ritual come from and why? How has it evolved over the centuries? We’ll let you in on some of the secrets of Valentine’s Day, and reveal how it’s celebrated around the world. Has Valentine’s Day become a purely commercial phenomenon, or do people really value its symbolism? Finally, what can you give your partner to celebrate February 14th which is romantic orignal and sensuous, in addition to the traditional chocolates and flowers? There’s no shortage of ideas, so why don’t you consider an item of the sexiest jewelry?

The surprising history
of Valentine’s Day
Ancient pagan festivals and barbarian customs
Fact or legend? It seems that the « Lupercales », dating back to the 5th century, are at the origin! In ancient Rome, to celebrate the God of fertility, people would flagellate themselves and get drunk. The festivities often ended in a sexual romp. The Christians of the time put an end to these daring festivities, establishing St. Valentine’s Day on February 14 as a day of moral and spiritual love.
In the Middle Ages, there are records of spine-chilling carnivalesque parades in February: men dressed as bears to evoke their sexual power did not hesitate to violently abuse women. Sadly these were common and normal customs at the time… a far cry from the idea of shared love and Cupid’s wings!
Courtly love and the concept of sweet words

Thankfully, the notion of love arrived in 14th-century England, this time including the idea of courtly love. February 14th was thought to be the day when birds met in pairs before mating. On this day, lovers would declare their love for each other by writing small bills and signing them with the name Valentine. The knight had to earn his lady’s love and express his feelings politely. Courtly love had already made its appearance in France in the 12th century, thanks to the troubadours and their romantic songs.
Of course, many of us have heard of the famous martyrdom of Saint Valentine, the 3rd-century Christian priest put to death in Rome for secretly arranging forbidden marriages for Roman soldiers. Others may have read that a priest who fell in love with his jailer’s daughter sent her a charming love letter signed “Valentin”. The young girl, who was blind, is said to have regained her sight through the discovery of love…
The real origins of the lovers’ festival can be traced back to the poems of Othon de Grandson at the English court: the poet praised Valentine’s Day as the sacred day when love brings two people together. Charles d’Orléans, captivated by this custom, brought it to France, and it is said that he himself composed a poem to his sweetheart to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Writing sweet nothings on February 14th became part of everyday life.
Valentine’s Day then lost its religious character, and it was in the 19th century, in the United States, that the idea of the Valentine’s Day postcard developed: an excellent way of recalling the symbolism of the little sweet words exchanged by a Valentine and a Valentine centuries earlier, and heralding the beginnings of the economic aspect of this celebration of love.

Valentine’s Day around the world
Yes, Valentine’s Day is celebrated almost everywhere on the planet. But not in the same way, and not necessarily on February 14th. You’ll be amazed!
In Wales, lovers treat each other to wooden spoons!
Valentine’s Day is celebrated on January 25, and to mark the occasion, people give each other engraved wooden spoons, as well as objects such as padlocks to symbolize their love.
In Finland, Valentine’s Day has a more sporty theme.
The “Porté de femme” competition is an amazing custom practiced on February 14. It consists of each competing husband carrying his wife in a race. The fastest man wins Madame’s weight in beer!
In Singapore, love is written on fruit.
Single women write little love messages on tangerines in the hope of finding true love. The fruit is then thrown into rivers.
In China, the number of roses means something
The real Valentine’s Day is in August, and in Taiwan the number of roses offered relate to special codes of love; the greatest number of roses equals a proposal of marriage.
For the Scots, love is a game of chance.
Your Valentine will be the person you meet first thing in the morning. Of course, you don’t have to tie the knot!
In the land of the rising sun, women are honored.
Only Japanese women have the honor of giving gifts to men, including their male colleagues. It’s only a few weeks later that men are also allowed to give gifts, mainly chocolates.
In Africa: the party and the gifts!
Valentine’s Day is a time for big parties, fun with friends and dancing the night away. In the Ivory Coast, giving an expensive gift to one’s partner is a must, while in South Africa, women hang the name of the person they love on their clothes. In the Congo, where polygamy is permitted, Valentine’s Day is the occasion to give preference to one’s favorite lover.
In the East, friendship and love are celebrated.
Estonia celebrates friendship day in particular, and gifts can be given to family members as well as loved ones, and although Russians also celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14, the real celebration of love for them is on July 8.
In the USA, love of neighbor
Americans attach great importance to Valentine’s Day, but it’s far from being just for couples! It’s also the day when the inhabitants of a community get together and give each other gifts to show their affection and attachment. Adults and children alike are involved.
In South America, Lovers’ Day is celebrated in summer.
Colombia and Brazil also have a Valentine’s Day, but it takes place in September and June respectively, and there too, friendship is celebrated.

A holiday considered commercial
but mutch appreciated
Some people hate the very idea of Valentine’s Day: it’s become a holiday designed to make retailers happy, and when you love, you love all year round! We don’t wait for that symbolic day in February to give flowers, chocolates, lingerie or a romantic evening out. Luckily, we don’t…
So, while it’s true that Valentine’s Day is all about business, just like Halloween, Easter and Mother’s Day… For many of us, it’s also a special moment when we want to show ourselves to be particularly loving, and dig deep to mark the occasion. There’s nothing wrong with doing yourself some good, and the reasons couples give for not skipping this day are many and varied:
1 – To put the couple first
2 – Break with routine
3 – Make time for each other
4 – Show their love
5 – Spice up the libido
6 – Give pleasure
7 – Give a gift
8 – Have a good time
9 – Enjoylife

Choosing a sensual gift
Whatever gift you give her, the important thing is to suspend time and the often hectic pace of everyday life to give meaning to your evening together. And if you’ve opted for a very personal, naughty gift to give in total intimacy, such as a massage oil, fine lingerie or intimate jewelry, sensuality will be the guest of honor for this tête à tête.
Intimate jewelry to thrill the body !
As well as being beautiful and elegant, intimate jewelry creates a close, erotic bond with the wearer. It’s like a second skin, like a garment that reminds us that the body lives, shivers, reacts and surrenders to the pleasure of the caresses, brushes and glides that the jewel provokes in a chosen area.
Erotic jewelry, an aphrodisiac for couples
Wearing body jewelry, sexual jewelry or an intimate adornment means discovering for two how the power of our senses can be multiplied tenfold when the other’s body or your own unveils a treasure that amazes the eye, invites the touch, makes you want to feel the taste of pleasure rising… Intimate jewelry sharpens voluptuousness and wonderfully encourages the art of desire and undressing.
The art of piercing-free jewelry
If you’re still a bit hesitant about offering your partner an erotic piece of jewelry because he or she is resistant to piercing, Sylvie Monthulé’s boutique offers the highest quality, refined, sexy and comfortable intimate creations for couples that don’t require piercing.