
Sylvie Monthulé, designer of intimate jewelry

In 2025, Sylvie Monthulé will celebrate 30 years of erotic creations : 30 years of sketches, ideas, dreams, desires, for jewelry of pleasure. “Imagine a jewel for the body : the first sketch, then the details, the curves…”


Would you like to see some sketchs
of the new collection?

Visit the blog to discover sketches of the sexiest pieces.



Soon 30 years of creations…

Since 1995, she designs erotic jewelry more and more exciting for the pleasure of women and men. Her jewels are not only refined and beautiful… they provide emotion, pleasure, enjoyment ! G- strings for woman, clitoral jewelry and penetrating jewelry… Jewels for penis, labia jewelry and nipple jewelry no piercing… Each jewel is an invitation to secret games, with mystery and sensuality. Erotic jewelry dress the body, when you undress…Exquisite body jewelry to sublimate the skin, play with the curves of the body… and more ! Know worldwide, Sylvie Monthulé graphic artist, continues to draw intimate jewelry with passion, for She and for Him…

Sylvie Monthulé’s jewelry, French quality and passion…

Sylvie imagine, draw, each intimate jewel. A mold is realise by her team in her wokshops. In metal or wax, this precious model represents hours of work and finishing and will be used to make the final jewel  for the manufacturing. All stages of manufacture are made in France ; model, mold, surface treatment in gold or silver on metal… Sylvie Monthulé’s team prepares yours oders and shipments. We want to keep this “artisanal side”. We are proud of our work and our erotic creations “Made in France”. We create pleasure, and each person who buys one of our jewels, knows that she can contact us for information, adice, at any time.

Sylvie Monthulé, artist painter…

Sylvie’s second passion is oil painting : “Paint the body, the moment, the emotion… to discover a secret”

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