“Jewels for Naughty Nights Out” by PJA Woode
by PJA woode
One of our great pleasures is to hear about the enjoyment our jewelry brings to customers. The testimonial page is full of stories about how customers enjoy wearing our jewels and the fun they have with them. In this post, the experiences of some of our most loyal customers have been shared and re-imagined by erotic author and one of our newest customers, PJA Woode
Friends visit a naturist beach in style

The French Mediterranean coast in high summer can be one of the most sexy places on earth. For me this was the first place that my girlfriend and I had been on holiday together. She was desperate to get to the beach. And when we got there I realised why. All she wore were tiny bikini bottoms. As a Brit, this was the first time I had experienced topless sunbathing and I was just amazed at how sexy it was. And so it was for one customer, let’s call her Eve, who was spending a weekend with two girlfriends on the French Riviera.
“We were staying not from a famous naturist resort,” Eve recalls. “Both my friends knew that I enjoyed sunbathing naked, and though they always went topless on the beach, neither had taken their bottoms off too. “I wanted to ease them into naturism so I suggested that we went out for our first evening for a drink but there was one rule – they could not wear any underwear.
“And to add a bit of style I had given both of them a gift when we arrived – some special jewelry to wear. For one friend, who has the most amazing breasts, I gave shell shaped nipple jewels.
“For the other I gave her a beautiful gold shell coquillage. I chose gold as it went with her tanned skin, and I hoped she’d enjoy the hanging pearl.
“For myself I chose a waistchain with a mermaid tail at the back and a hanging pearl at the front.
“So we all had beach-themed erotic jewelry to wear under our dresses.
“We met in the hotel foyer that evening and we were all in loose, flowing summer dresses and I couldn’t help wondering if my friends were wearing their jewels like me.
“I didn’t say anything at all and we walked down the promenade to a bar where we shared a bottle of Chablis. We chatted about work, our lives and our lovers – past and present. And then I suggested we sit on the beach to look at the sea in the moonlight.
“My friends followed and we walked across the pebbles and sat down not far from the waves. It was then that I asked if they had followed the rule and we wearing nothing under their dresses and was taken aback when one of my friends said that she was actually wearing something.
“But then I saw her smile and I knew that she was wearing the beach jewels. So I asked if I could see. She was only too happy to slip off her dress to show of her nipples, adorned with a silver shell with a luminous blue stone set in the middle. She told me how she loved the feel of the shell swinging against her breasts as she walked and how it kept her nipples really hard.
“My other friend took off her dress to show her gold shell G- string. Her pussy was wonderfully smooth and the shell looked amazing against her skin. She said she especially like the tap of the hanging pearl against her bare skin and how it massaged her lips in the most sensous way.
“They asked me what I was wearing so I slipped off my dress to show my mermaid tail waist chain. I showed them how the mermaid nestles at the top of my bottom and how the silver ball at the front would swing around my bikini area and occasionally would make magical contact with my pussy. We all said how much we enjoyed the way the jewelry made us feel under our dresses and how excited it made us. But most of all we just enjoyed being naked in it and seeing each others’ adorned bodies looking sensational.”
Erotic jewels break the ice at a visit to a libertine club.

A visit to a libertine or sex club is one of the most intense sexual experiences a couple can have, and wearing erotic jewelry can add an exotic touch of style and mystique to the evening, as long-time Sylvie-Monthule customers Pierre and Yvonne explain:
“We had been thinking of going to a libertine club for several years,” they explain, “but it took a fair bit of courage to go ahead and actually visit one.”
“It was Yvonne’s idea at first,” says Pierre “and she said that for our first time we would just watch, which we did, and we came back incredibly turned on and excited. Seeing other people playing with each other, walking around in beautiful lingerie and having sex was a fabulously exciting experience.
“So when we planned our second visit, we decided that we would go a step further and – if the moment felt right for both of us – we thought we might even have sex with each other while others watched,” continues Yvonne.
“We both have a bit of an exhibitionist side,” Yvonne explains, ”so selecting some of Sylvie-Monthule’s jewelry seemed a great idea. I chose a silver bustier which looks sensational and really showcases my breasts. And to go with it I decided to be really sexy and went for a thong with and finger that you insert into your pussy.
“I wanted something which looks good if I am hard or soft,” Pierre added, “I also wanted something that matched Yvonne’s – we wanted to be seen as a couple – so I opted for a beautifully simple chain that caresses my testicles.
“When we got to the club we had a few drinks then made our way to one of the larger rooms and started to kiss,” explains Yvonne. “The kissing attracted a few on-lookers and soon I found myself taking off my skirt and blouse.
“The jewelry seemed to add some magic. I love the way the bustier drapes over my breasts. It makes me feel really sexy because when I move, it moves. And the tear pendant adds a tiny bit of weight just where you need it and it is a great focal point. It’s also very tactile and I remember running my hand over it and feeling the chain caress my breasts and how it made my nipples stand out. But it didn’t just turn me on. One of the women who was watching asked if she could run her hand over the chains and as I felt so hot I said she could. It was the first time I have been touched sensually by a woman and I can tell you now, it won’t be my last.”
“I loved watching Yvonne in the thong,” added Pierre. “It’s partly because only the two of us know about that cheeky finger insider her. And also because I know how sexy it makes her.” “It’s the most sensational item,” agrees Yvonne. “I love feeling full, and when I walk it really makes me feel ready for sex.”
As for Pierre, his jewel attracted some compliments too. “A couple of women asked for a closer look and they loved the detail of the clasped hands around my balls.” As for what happened next, well that is for Pierre and Yvonne – and the two women and the man who joined in their fun!
A secret gift turns a wedding anniversary into
the most erotic of evenings out

An erotic jewel is one of the most personal and most cherished of gifts, as a couple who recently celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary explain.
“I am truly lucky as I find my wife every bit as sexy today as when we got married over twenty five years ago,” says Jean-Eve. “Over the years I have given her necklaces, bracelets and rings. The usual gifts a husband buys a wife. But this time I wanted to give her something to celebrate the fabulous sex we have enjoyed over the last twenty five years.”
“I was searching for something different’, Jean-Eve continues, and stumbled across Sylvie-Monthule’s website and so many marvellous creations. It was really difficult to decide what to by for my wife, Camille, but I knew it had to be something that would turn her on when she wore it.” Camille picks up the story, “When Jean-Eve gave me the present on the morning of our anniversary I was just so excited. The thong looks stunning. I knew as soon as I held it in my hands that it was going to feel so good next to my skin.
“All I could think about was that little drop of silver tapping against Camille’s pussy as we walked to our table…” Jean-Eve admitted.
“And that subtle tap, tap, tap was all I could feel,” interrupted Camille. “It just made me feel incredible – a combination of feeling beautiful and feeling really horny. As we were eating our meal a part of me wanted to finish as soon as possible so we could get home and make love, while I was still wearing the thong of course.”
Jean-Eve added: “That thong added such an edge to the evening and turned it into the sexiest of anniversaries. We couldn’t get home fast enough – in fact, we didn’t even make it to the bedroom.
We had probably the best sex in our twenty five years !
A party like no other

Everyone enjoys dressing up for a party and finding the perfect jewelry to match their outfit. You don’t just want to look sexy, you want to feel sexy too. And that’s where erotic jewelry comes in, as Manon confesses.
“I love a good party and will often spend days planning the clothes I am going to wear, my make up and accessories,” she explains. “I knew that this party was going to be a particularly exciting one as the invitation had said that we had to dress exotically. I had bought this short dress with a really plunging neckline to show off my breasts and I decided that I was going to be really bold and wear a wonderful breast necklace with it.
“What I really like about this piece is that the upper half is a classic long necklace which ends with a cheekly little gold pendant. But it is so much cheekier as there are four chains that drop downwards and extend to my nipples, each with a delightful teardrop pendant swinging underneath. My nipples get so erect when I wear it. It’s gloriously erotic and I adore it.
“When I had my dress on, everyone at the party could clearly see that there were chains going elsewhere, but no-one knew exactly where… apart from me. And I had just the best of times at the party as I could see that the people I danced with and shared a drink with, were looking at the pendant (I think a few spotted the couple kissing on it and the man’s erection) and the chains, but not one actually asked me where they led to!”
“I can’t tell you how much this turned me on. The jewel and dress said it all – I am seriously sexy and proud of it. Not only did it give me an amazing confidence boost, but I have never been asked to dance so much, had so many drinks bought for me or enjoyed so many fascinating discussions.”